
Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Cigarettes are one of the most disgusting inventions throughout all of history.

Everyone who has a television or is capable of reading knows how toxic these little sticks are. If you are an adult, and make a very foolish decision to part take in premature death, that's your choice. However, if you subject a baby to that horrible smoke, I think it should be considered abuse. Have you ever picked up a teeny-tiny baby, and he just reeked of smoke? He can't even sit up, but the stench is so strong that the baby smells like a chain smoker. It just makes me want to scream!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm ready...

I think I'm ready to pack up and leave this town, except I'm not.

I kind of think it's like an adhesive bandage, the quicker you remove it, the less it hurts. I'm not really ready, I'd have way too many loose ends to tie up, and not enough money to fund the expedition...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Punky posing

Punky was really into saying cheese and telling Daddy, "take my picture like this!" Most of all, she loved the dogs. By dogs I mean: Wiley (Girly), Roxy (Rock star), Wilbur (Howard), Bandit (Band aid), and Jilly (Chilly). The names in parenthesis are what she called them, and the only one that confuses me a little is Howard...
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As some of you know, my aunt and uncle were hosting a graduation party for a friend of a couple of celebrities. In a very twisted strange way, he is related to us through my cousin. That story is so convoluted that it's not worth the time it would take to type. We had to get ready REALLY early so that the house would be clean for all the A-list guests. Marvin was inspired to do a impromptu photoshoot in the basement pub. We had been informed that security would be there and Marv should wear long sleeves; he obliged, but the closest thing to security was my cousin's police-officer boyfriend!

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Bones and stones

The only thing Punky REALLY wanted to see was dinosaur bones. She had been talking about it for days before we left. She said she also wanted to see stones, so the Museum of Natural History was perfect for her. Marvin had a good time, too. He got to take his picture in a mine shaft. We left before seeing all the exhibits, because every eight grader in the country was there on a field trip!

Later we went to the old Air and Space Museum, and it was just as crowded. Punky liked the Wright exhibit the best, and tried to climb the fence to look at the cut-out's face. However it seemed just as crowded with field-trippers, and Punky and crew were getting tired so we left before making it to the Native American Museum to see the dress Punky kept telling Marvin she wanted to see. "Dad, I'm looking for this dress, " she would tell him pointing it out in a brochure of the Smithsonian. And he would tell her, "you won't find it in the Air and Space Museum." She was so worn out that she fell asleep as we were walking to it.

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Tourist trap

From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

It was so crowed at the Lincoln Monument, but we, along with every other tourist in America stopped by to see the amazing giant.

Paying our respects

Good evening, Mr. President.
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model shoot

Staring out, towards the Washington Monument reflecting on the Potomic River. Thank you Mr. Jefferson for inspiring such a pensive moment.
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The required monument pics

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Marvin drove a whole lot, both ways. Day and night, and even in the rain. We survived, but for some reason, the AC was either really cold, or really hot.
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