
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hindsight is 20/20

Everything is different in retrospect. Now that I am older, there are things from my younger days that make me wish I could go back in time and change things. In elementary school, I had a friend that was quirky but nice, so I hung out with her on a fairly regular basis. I always thought how she treated her Barbies was strange. She would chop off their hair and use markers to make them more anatomically correct by adding nipples, pubic hair, etc. Some of the things she said and did was weird to me a sheltered little girl, and I slowly stopped visiting her. As she grew older she started getting in trouble with the school and the law. I wish I knew then what I knew now. All the things I thought were so weird about her were indicative of sexual abuse! She was trying to get me to help her, but I had no idea anything was wrong.

More recently, a friend told me a story about someone and I reacted poorly. Unbeknown to me, a similar situation was going on in her life. I now have realized, it was her attempt to test the waters and see if she could confide in me. I guess my reaction made her think I was an unreliable friend. Unfortunately, I guess my track record has shown that I may very well be.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Time is ticking....

... The move is quickly creeping up on us, yet here I am, on the computer, typing away. I should be packing. I give myself the excuse of "the girls are sleeping, and if I wake them, then I will never get anything done." However, do I get anything done when they are "happy awake" (as Punky calls it)? No! By the time I get started productively doing something, it is lunch time, followed by nap, followed by work, then dinner, and bedtime... I really need to get on the ball!

I have way too many things!