I have been back at work for three weeks, and during that time, my coworker and I have worn similar or nearly identical outfits on 5 separate occasions. The first day I probably shouldn't count because everyone wore the same outfit, so let's make it 4 times in the past 2 weeks we have accidentally coordinated.
Yesterday, we wore the exact same thing: identical shirts and the same shade of blue jeans. Today, I thought, "I will wear this year's spirit polo, because everyone generally wears that shirt on Friday. Then we won't match again." Guess who thought the same thing.....
But seriously, if I have to be on the same subconscious-wavelength mental frequency as someone, she is pretty doggone awesome. She is a fiber artist- which does not mean she glues beans to paper (my husband's goofy joke, not mine). She weaves and sculpts. She grows her own brown and green cotton- I never new it grew in colors other than white! She has a spinning wheel and a loom, and has chickens in her suburban backyard. Her weavings are beautiful: soft and delicate; they smell faintly of incense, and have hidden colors and details that a photo could never truly do justice. Just look at some of her work!