and deeper still... A blog of a wife, mother, and graduate student (working on her doctorate in Audiology). I sew, I sign, and I try to keep my life together, mostly.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Time to get rid of the CHAOS
Okay, I have decided that I cannot deal with all the clutter and chaos in my house. I am tired of the piles and bags. I need to empty my life of all this JUNK. So, I am going to keep myself accountable and keep track of my progress.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I'm taking a moment to be selfish....
I rarely ask for anything for me. For Christmas, I told Marvin I wanted silicone cake pans and some more GAP Dream body spray; that adds up to less than $20! I don't know why, but I have no problem spending tons of money on others, but won't buy things for myself.
Yet, I was looking at the Ikea catalog and have made myself a list of all the things I want:
1. SOLSTA sofa bed in dark grey- $129 (It is not available online and is out of stock in Orlando)
2. FUSION dining table and four chairs- $299
3. ANEBODA wardrobe- $79.99 (honestly, I want 3)
There is also some pink and red MAMMUT children's furniture I want to do the girls' room in, but I will probably wait a while for that (it adds up to about $600 for all the pieces I want).
So there is my moment of selfishness. The sad thing is, even in a moment of selfishness, I want to spend almost as much on the girls as I want to spend on myself, and even that doesn't add up to $1300! Some women spend more than that on a purse!
Yet, I was looking at the Ikea catalog and have made myself a list of all the things I want:
1. SOLSTA sofa bed in dark grey- $129 (It is not available online and is out of stock in Orlando)
2. FUSION dining table and four chairs- $299
3. ANEBODA wardrobe- $79.99 (honestly, I want 3)
There is also some pink and red MAMMUT children's furniture I want to do the girls' room in, but I will probably wait a while for that (it adds up to about $600 for all the pieces I want).
So there is my moment of selfishness. The sad thing is, even in a moment of selfishness, I want to spend almost as much on the girls as I want to spend on myself, and even that doesn't add up to $1300! Some women spend more than that on a purse!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
This is my bathroom!
It didn't really affect us, but it was flooding the people downstairs.
They have cut holes on both sides of the toilet, and under the vanity.
Let's see how long it takes them to fix THIS mess!
Oh and did I mention I came home early from work because I am sick and wanted to nap? Yeah, well that didn't happen.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I was going to get off work early today, but made the mistake of checking my e-mail before I left. In my inbox, I had SIX orders to fill (on bids that we placed in October). I had to re-research all of them, and of course, FIVE were not listed in the main public records, so I had to do twice as much research. At work, we have two types of orders as far as I'm concerned: EDI (which drop all the order information automatically), and PDF which I have to type up completely. Of course, these were all PDF and each had four pages to type up! With all the researching, typing, and creating files, I was there another TWO hours! So much for getting off early.
Well, I guess it could have been worse. If I didn't check my e-mail, I would have had to stay two hours late on a Friday.
Well, I guess it could have been worse. If I didn't check my e-mail, I would have had to stay two hours late on a Friday.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Take a moment to breathe, truly breathe. Feel the air surging in; through your nose, down the back of you throat, filling your lungs. Stop everything take a moment, disengage from every little petty thing swirling blindly through your occluded mind. Leave, the world behind for just a moment, eyes closed, thoughts lucid, heart unruffled. Breathe, and for a rare moment you will know that everything will really be okay...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I don't know if you will ever read this, and you probably won't. I know I handled things poorly, and regret the hurtful things I wrote. It's ironic how people handle pain differently, and though I normally bottle things up, and pretend to ignore the blows to my ego, I retaliated in a horribly bitter manner. I apologize; I now understand I hurt you as much as you hurt me, if not more. I hope one day you can forgive me.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The air here is too thick
One of these days everything will fall into place. My home will be spotless. My bank account will be abundant. My friends and family will all get along. I will be educationally fulfilled.
Right now, I am content to live as I am, comfortably.
Too bad the rest of the world doesn't see things my way....
Right now, I am content to live as I am, comfortably.
Too bad the rest of the world doesn't see things my way....
There is something about my life that is beautiful, but disturbing at the same time. It often feels like the life I'm living is a novel, scribed out on the annals of time, screaming for me to turn the page. I don't always like the part the author chooses to have his ingenue portray, but it makes for an intriguing show. Maybe, one day, I will allow my story to be scrawled out on paper for others to peruse, but for now, I am not a public library, nor do I think that time will soon be at hand.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Cigarettes are one of the most disgusting inventions throughout all of history.
Everyone who has a television or is capable of reading knows how toxic these little sticks are. If you are an adult, and make a very foolish decision to part take in premature death, that's your choice. However, if you subject a baby to that horrible smoke, I think it should be considered abuse. Have you ever picked up a teeny-tiny baby, and he just reeked of smoke? He can't even sit up, but the stench is so strong that the baby smells like a chain smoker. It just makes me want to scream!
Everyone who has a television or is capable of reading knows how toxic these little sticks are. If you are an adult, and make a very foolish decision to part take in premature death, that's your choice. However, if you subject a baby to that horrible smoke, I think it should be considered abuse. Have you ever picked up a teeny-tiny baby, and he just reeked of smoke? He can't even sit up, but the stench is so strong that the baby smells like a chain smoker. It just makes me want to scream!
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm ready...
I think I'm ready to pack up and leave this town, except I'm not.
I kind of think it's like an adhesive bandage, the quicker you remove it, the less it hurts. I'm not really ready, I'd have way too many loose ends to tie up, and not enough money to fund the expedition...
I kind of think it's like an adhesive bandage, the quicker you remove it, the less it hurts. I'm not really ready, I'd have way too many loose ends to tie up, and not enough money to fund the expedition...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Punky posing


Monday, June 4, 2007
Bones and stones

Later we went to the old Air and Space Museum, and it was just as crowded. Punky liked the Wright exhibit the best, and tried to climb the fence to look at the cut-out's face. However it seemed just as crowded with field-trippers, and Punky and crew were getting tired so we left before making it to the Native American Museum to see the dress Punky kept telling Marvin she wanted to see. "Dad, I'm looking for this dress, " she would tell him pointing it out in a brochure of the

Sunday, June 3, 2007
Tourist trap
model shoot

Monday, May 28, 2007
Ink-credible news.
For those of you that don't know, I do tattoos. Well not professionally anymore, but when my hands are not so stiff, I can do custom work, no cookie-cutter flash for me. Or I can do really short sessions over a long period of time. Or not.
Save the drama for your momma

I'm about to go visit my extended family, who has succumbed to a bitter feud; I know there is no way that will be resolved. However, I hope one day we'll all be able to forget the pettiness and all get along.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Skin deep beauty/ the skin I'm in
The District
So, I'm going to be heading up to DC in a few days. I have so much to do still, like buy a suitcase or something. How have I gotten to the ripe old age of 24 without owning a real suitcase? I have a duffle, and a rolling duffle, that are both pretty beaten up. I think I have all of our clothes together though. I think we'll survive, at least I hope we do...
Marvin and Punky are ready to hit all monuments and museums. Punky wants to see dinosaur bones and airplanes. Marvin wants to see airplanes made of dinosaur bones. My brother wants to see all the big monuments; he's not even six, and is obsessed with history. I think we'll see to Punky's and my brother's requests. I want to go down to the Potomic; I'm a little disappointed the cherry blossoms aren't in bloom, but I still think it's beautiful along the river. However what I really am looking forward to is IKEA! For those of you that know me, that's enough said.
Marvin and Punky are ready to hit all monuments and museums. Punky wants to see dinosaur bones and airplanes. Marvin wants to see airplanes made of dinosaur bones. My brother wants to see all the big monuments; he's not even six, and is obsessed with history. I think we'll see to Punky's and my brother's requests. I want to go down to the Potomic; I'm a little disappointed the cherry blossoms aren't in bloom, but I still think it's beautiful along the river. However what I really am looking forward to is IKEA! For those of you that know me, that's enough said.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Five years ago, I met the man of my dreams, though when I met him, I never knew he would be that man.
What planets aligned themselves in such a way that I would be able to pick him out of all the millions of fish swarming in the sea? I don't know....
.... but I am sure glad they did!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'm not in a mood for logic right now। The world would be easier if it was, with all of nature compartmentalized in neat little boxes and columns and rows। If only everything was as simple as a sudoku puzzle with one set answer; it may be confusing, but in the end I know I am right or wrong। It's strange, but there is comfort in knowing I am indeed wrong। I hate waiting and not knowing। Yet with all it's simplicity and accuracy, I miss the emotion of illogical, irrational thought। Spontaneity has no place in logic। I feel like throwing away the boxes and rows and columns and being free of the rules। Nonetheless, I will probably continue doing my puzzles and following the rules.
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