
Thursday, November 29, 2007


I was going to get off work early today, but made the mistake of checking my e-mail before I left. In my inbox, I had SIX orders to fill (on bids that we placed in October). I had to re-research all of them, and of course, FIVE were not listed in the main public records, so I had to do twice as much research. At work, we have two types of orders as far as I'm concerned: EDI (which drop all the order information automatically), and PDF which I have to type up completely. Of course, these were all PDF and each had four pages to type up! With all the researching, typing, and creating files, I was there another TWO hours! So much for getting off early.

Well, I guess it could have been worse. If I didn't check my e-mail, I would have had to stay two hours late on a Friday.

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