I do not believe the act of giving birth makes one a mother; rather I believe that is compassion and selfless love it what makes a mother!
The woman who gives birth and throws her baby in the dumpster, is not a mother. The woman who keeps her baby and neglects or abuses him is not a mother. The woman who uses abortion as birth control is not a mother. These women may one day learn to be a mother, but carrying a child did not automatically make that so.
The woman who gives birth and raises her child is a mother. The woman who adopts a child who is a stranger to her is a mother. The woman who loves and dreams for the baby in her belly that is never born is a mother. The woman who gives birth and realizes she can not provide a good life for her child and decides to put him up for adoption is a mother. Motherhood is not biological, it is emotional!
Couldn't agree more!
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