
Saturday, February 20, 2010

To the best of my recollection, how I did it:

I crushed my little toe on my left foot yesterday. It's probably broken, but they don't generally xray the smaller toes unless bones are popping out.

Two main factors contributed to this accident: my own stubbornness, and the construction of my front door.

I never wear shoes unless I have to; I prefer being barefoot. Stores, work and public restrooms are the main places that I need them; I like being barefoot but I am no Brittany Spears. I even got married barefoot! So yesterday when I ran out to the car to grab something, I didn't bother throwing any shoes on.

My front door has no clearance between the bottom and the ground. I have to put my welcome mat way down the walk, because the door can't clear it and it jams the door shut. I don't know who designed it this way, but it really is screwy!

The next part of the story becomes a little fuzzy. Punky was already at my parents' house for a sleepover, so I was gathering her overnight bag. I ran to the car, got my things, opened the front door and BAM! I don't remember if I swung to door onto my foot, or if it swung back as I was trying to shuffle things. It doesn't really matter, because either way, my little toe was wedged between the door and the concrete, in a space too narrow for a doormat!

I am pretty sure I went into shock; the pain was so great that I started dry heaving and I was so dizzy I couldn't see straight. I hobbled to the kitchen to get ice, crawled upstairs to dip my foot in the tub, and proceeded to lie on the floor writhing in pain while making a completely incoherent phone call to my dad about my daughter needing to wear my sister's pajamas because I couldn't drive. If a video was taken of it, I am sure I would be an instant internet phenomenon!

Scout was wonderful during this craziness. She started to freak out until I gave her an ice cube to play with. Later, she took care of me and brought me a blanket and fed me crackers and stuffing. (Her choice, not mine.) It tells me that I have done a good job nurturing her, if she wants to care for me!

My foot still hurts like crazy. I tried to put an adhesive bandage on where all the skin was peeled off, and just about doubled over in pain. I have the start of a pretty nasty bruise. I can walk, so long as I don't bear weight on it yet. I haven't tried buddy taping it yet, but will when I go to pick Punky up from her sleepover at my parents. Guess I will be taking it easy this weekend...

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