
Friday, September 30, 2011

Not a Maternity Dress (anymore)

    Once upon a time, I had a favorite brown dress.  It was soft and comfy, and an absolutely flattering shade of chocolate.  It had one major flaw that ended up making it unbearable-  every time I wore it, someone asked if I was expecting or when I was due.  Now I do understand that before I went gluten free I had a bit of a belly, and knew I looked about 5 months pregnant on a bad day, but I found it completely unacceptable to be asked this on such a regular basis.  Complete strangers, friends, family members- when I wore this dress They all thought I had a bun in the oven!  Not cool.

      Therefore, this dress was thrown into my storage unit never to see the light of day again.  It was to spend it's life in a tortuous existence deprived of food, water, and light (I do realize my clothing is not living, but it's a metaphor, people!)  This was until I went there to drop off work supplies at the beginning of summer (who wants to store notebooks and craft supplies in their hall closet?) and it was peeking out of a box.  I rescued it with the thought of making a dress for one of the girls.  However, when I removed the bodice, the idea of turning it into a skirt came to me.  Though this photo isn't the most flattering (are any pictures taken midday in 90+ degree weather?), the skirt is cute and comfy- everything I had hoped it's previous incarnation was!

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